Saturday, October 15, 2011

This one is fresh from Brazil

I take a lot of gym classes, and the two key factors that determine whether or not I like a class are:

1) The teacher. Are they positive and encouraging without veering into bumper sticker mantra territory, or referring to a Maroon 5 song as their "new favey"? Then they have a shot.
2) Other students in the class. Are they wearing perfume? Are they extremely territorial? Do they talk a lot or look way better than I do? Then, I leave.

I have never had a teacher offer to be my fresh meat, but I still identified with this cartoon.

I still miss Kate's Bodyworks class at the decrepit LA Fitness on Wilshire. She inserted the phrase "no judgeemnt zone" into my life. Thank you Kate.


  1. Kate I miss you! My life is still a no judgment zone

  2. The only woman who has made me barf in gym class (hungover college VB conditioning excluded).
