Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Good ol' Clarence and Ginni

I want to read this Jeffrey Toobin article on Clarence and Ginni Thomas, but I am afraid it will be so enfuriating that I won't be able to sleep; I will be forced to stay up all night reading and re-reading while eating popsicles and nursing leftover Tecates. Is it worth it? I will report back.

If anyone is interested in a refresher course on how, until recently, the individual mandate was a conservative healthcare policy goal, achieved by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts with the help and endorsement of G. W. Bush, please see here.


Just like the website says, it's a moustache for your car. It is, allegedly, "glorious."
Unsurprisingly, there is a bikestache option too.
Thank you, Lisa.

Monday, August 1, 2011

OPI Tickle my France-y

A cross between nude and dusty pink.

P.S. This Google image search result must satisfy some kind of fetish (beyond the average manicure obsession that so many of us suffer from).

P.P.S. That is not my hand.