Monday, October 25, 2010

The Awl in the NYT


Am I dumb for not knowing that The Awl has related sites ( and

Trance, Stilts, Throw up Music, Teddy Graham People

Not bad for SNL.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You know that lobster tail is three fingers up the butthole, minimum?

Oh Tracy Morgan.

Virginia Thomas!!!

I have said it before and I will say it again: Clarence Thomas can go jump in a lake, and his wife should hop in right after him.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Real Hip Hop

According to Mike, this costume is "hip hop"

TheCrapser 1:27 pm
(1:27:55 PM): hip hop?

RipbergerMike 1:29 pm
(1:29:00 PM): yeah, thats hip hop

Mushroom lasagne and roasted eggplant and tomato soup

On Sunday I made this and this. I felt the lasagne was just ok, but I prefer a red sauce to bechamel. The soup was tasty and I would make it again (with my trusty immersion blender).

For dessert, Lizzy made brownies from a Ghiradelli mix and they were good.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Emmanuel Jal - Kuar (Henrik Schwarz Remix)

Crazy Cat People

This sweet NYT essay defending cat ownership is a fun read, but the comments section refutes the author's thesis that cat people are not wackadoodles who should be tracked like sex offenders.

I haven't read all of the posts yet but this one jumped out as an early favorite (and, strengthens the case for Cherry):

You should never own just one cat. The need for same-species friendship is universal. My two cats never tire of playing or napping together, even though both were adoped separately as adults. They are named after two iconic Americans. My large and gangly orange tabby tom is named Duke after John Wayne. My elegant all-black female is named Condoleezza after a favorite political star and hopefully future President.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Riddle of the Sphincter

Oh Slate, thanks for the unexpected comic relief.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New CA Drivers' License


Now we're just like Georgia!

Hey Girl

I recently rediscovered this gem.

I find Ryan Gosling attractive, but also creepy, like he has an opium problem?

On a related note, I tried to buy those shoes. They look better on him.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Moustache cat!

Thanks Jenny.


I think Lewis wants a catfriend.

I nominate Cherry: