Isn’t it a known fact that professional athletes take as many performance-enhancing drugs as possible, and that the IOC has rejected tests that would more effectively screen for them?
That’s what I learned when I saw Bigger Stronger Faster, and seems to be the only plausible explanation for this.
That’s what I learned when I saw Bigger Stronger Faster, and seems to be the only plausible explanation for this.
I don’t like the idea of steroid use among professional athletes, because it seems disrespectful to previous generations; at the same time I understand that there’s no way to prevent it, and is a requirement today. I don’t like the false posturing about cracking down on steroid use while abandoning measures that could better detect it.
I do love this story about South Africa's Caster Semenya undergoing a gender test! How insulting. “Hey lady, you run real fast and you're busted; we think may be a man?”
Most intriguing is a quote from Leonard Chuene, a member of the IAAF Council and president of the South African track federation who says “Her main crime was to be born in a family in a village in the manner that she is."
What manner is that? Hermaphrodite? Fast? Ugly?
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